Book 1 in the Unlearning Religious Dogma Series is now available!

Walk Within—Reclaim Your Spiritual Nature: An Advent, Solstice, & Christmas Path

Through The Gospels of Mary and Matthew, this book explores the impact of our cultural and personal spiritual agreements and offers a different, yet still sacred, way of fostering connection with the Divine by reclaiming YOUR spiritual nature.


Have you been sitting in church wondering what faith means in today’s world?

Have you left religion in search of spiritual meaning?

Do you have wounds that require healing?

As scale after scale falls from our eyes and our awareness expands, we question the assumptions and agreements that brought us to this moment. Do we even realize all the agreements that we have made? Do we still agree with everything that we have learned or have been told despite discoveries of Quantum Physics and Ancient texts?

Author Crystal L. Steinberg served as a Jesuit educator, parish pastor, and mission developer. However, after a series of mystical experiences following her mother’s death, she chose to no longer live according to religious dogma.

In this first book of the Unlearning Religious Dogma Series, she encourages you to “walk within“ to reclaim your unique spiritual nature. With Pre-Reading Reflection and Post-Reading Integration prompts, along with space for journaling, you will identify these resonances within yourself so you can choose to live in full alignment with YOUR truth.

The Unlearning Religious Dogma Series emerges from Crystal’s ongoing journey and her desire to help facilitate inward journeys for others. Each year of the series offers contemplative paths inward by earth seasons that some may recognize as church seasons. Crystal affirms biblical wisdom shared outside of religious dogma. As a result, she pairs canonical gospels according to each year’s assigned church readings with non-canonical gospels to illustrate rather than prescribe variables for consideration along the journey. Year A pairs the Gospel of Matthew with readings from The Gospel of Mary. Year B bridges readings from the Gospel of Mark and The Gospel of Thomas and Year C connects readings from the Gospel of Luke and the I Ching with Gene Keys. 

Called to Word and Image ministry, Crystal includes Reflection questions and Integration prompts with space for creating written and/or visual responses on each path. A corresponding Companion Journal for Reflections and Integrations provides additional space for this work throughout each year. Her own experiences and artwork line the paths to promote vulnerability and to offer encouragement and support along the way.

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Coming Soon!

Crystal Steinberg is an intuitive writer. She has authored a book that has been waiting a long time to be written. She provides information and self reflection that guides and gives permission. This allows readers to discover their own truths and celebrate their own paths as co-creators.
— Rev. Judith Christopher, Spiritual Guide, Reiki Master and Reiki Teacher

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I read pretty fast, but not this book. It contains people and ideas I have not yet encountered. This work took me on an unexplored journey. Serious readers will not return to their previous lives. They will see with new eyes, minds, and spirits and be born anew.
— Elizabeth Scmidt-Kuhr, BS, MSE, and CEAP
Unlearning Religion is a key concept for human liberation. Religion has been an integral part of the patriarchal coercion that has demeaned women, exploited nature, and limited sexual and gender freedom. Dr. Steinberg offers a new vision of what religion can be when infused with the sacred feminine and masculine, a deep alignment with nature, and a celebration of race, gender, and sexual freedom. 
— Jim Garrison, Founder and President of Ubiquity University and Convenor of Humanity Rising
Crystal has an amazing gift for asking thought-provoking questions. Pre-reading reflection questions invite us to look at where we are with our knowledge base and beliefs. Crystal then shares research, personal stories, and biblical interpretations to expand and enrich what we know. Post-reading integration questions offer us the opportunity to walk within. We can discover the many possible answers that can change our agreements and beliefs, creating a more loving story. Using this book in community adds support and richness to our journey. Thank you, Crystal, for sharing your gifts and message.
— Robin Dahl, High School Mathematics Educator

Watch this short video

Witness the evolution of the Walk Within cover, as Crystal recites The Gospel of Mary.

As the creator of the Unlearning Religious Dogma Series and bestselling author of Walk Within—Reclaim Your Spiritual Nature: An Advent, Solstice, & Christmas Path, Crystal Steinberg writes for anyone exploring their spiritual nature. Sharing experiences from her personal journey, she inspires readers to identify their knowings (agreements) and how they acquire them.

Her MAT, MDiv, Certifications and Wisdom Studies PhD Candidate credentials demonstrate research scholarship, while her teaching, ordination, parish service, intuitive healing, initiations, and intentional co-creativity reveal her willingness to serve. Crystal synthesizes material and spiritual worlds, masculine and feminine energies, and ancient and future understandings to bring Wholeness forward in the chaos of birthing a new world. This Wholeness offers Compassion, Love and Beauty.

Crystal writes in her scriptorium, makes custom nesting dolls in her studio and speaks and facilitates workshops virtually or locally in nature’s magical lake environment of central Wisconsin.