Crystal Steinberg Crystal Steinberg

Without Darkness, There Is No Light

As we step into winter and the solstice, we find ourselves in darkness. Nature calls us into silence and stillness at the same time that culture calls us into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

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Crystal Steinberg Crystal Steinberg

Earth Day

The United States initiated Earth Day in 1970.   The event called attention to the impact human lives have on the planet.  Fifty years later in 2020 the entire world participated in activities to expand human awareness regarding the Earth. 

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Crystal Steinberg Crystal Steinberg


One of the benefits of isolation due to the pandemic is all of the Virtual offerings.  Many experiences that would normally require travel and housing costs ran virtually.  This reduces costs and allows participants

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Jane Ashley Jane Ashley

Divine Feminine, Sacred Masculine and Sophia Wisdom

While I truly enjoy reading, writing, contemplating and entertaining variety of perspectives, degrees for the sake of degrees mean little to me.  This is why I sought teaching certification and licensure after obtaining my Master of Teaching degree. It is also why I partnered my MDiv with parish ministry and mission development rather than pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree.

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Jane Ashley Jane Ashley

Humanity Rising

Studying with students from a variety of generations around the world energizes.  I did not realize how much is happening in the world.  Entire cities such as Amsterdam and 400 others (“Could Amsterdam’s New Economic Theory Replace Capitalism?” are adopting new economic systems called doughnut economics (

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Jane Ashley Jane Ashley

Best-Laid Plans

So, what are the imaginal cells of our bodies, our brains and our spirits incubating during covid isolation?

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Jane Ashley Jane Ashley

Light and Shadow

The week after my mother died, a Luna moth appeared at our window four nights in a row. She persistently beat her wings against the glass. I never saw such a moth flying freely in nature before. I wondered about the pattern of return.

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