Humanity Rising

Studying with students from a variety of generations around the world energizes.  I did not realize how much is happening in the world.  Entire cities such as Amsterdam and 400 others (“Could Amsterdam’s New Economic Theory Replace Capitalism?” are adopting new economic systems called doughnut economics (  Such an economic system puts the well-being of all including the earth, animals, plants and trees at the center rather than profit.  Infinite growth of profit is unsustainable.  According to the World Wildlife Federation we have lost nearly 70% of wildlife species and 40% of plants and trees due to our attempts to sustain profit rather than wholeness and wellness for all beings.  For over a decade, entire countries worked and continue to seriously address climate change rather than debating its existence.  Multi-generational dialogues entertain variety of perspective while seeking global solutions to challenges.

On May 22, Ubiquity University announced a free platform, Humanity Rising as an open space with programming and opportunity for dialogue through the end of the pandemic.  This turned into a lengthy commitment.  Programming started with the voices of women and indigenous elders for ten days.  The president of the Ubiquity, Jim Garrison, repeatedly suggests that if there is one change he could make in the world, it would be placing the responsibility for leadership in the hands of women as a matter of national security.

What would a world led by women look like?  How would it impact the way women think about themselves?  How we think about the earth and treat one another?  Would it be more difficult to beat and rape women and children if women led the world?  Would the justice we seek be more restorative than punitive in nature? Just how might the world be different? 

Isolation due to the pandemic and open space offering such provocative questions brought the opportunity at hand before my eyes.  An opportunity to journey inward with curiosity to discover more about who I am, who I can be, what the world is, what the world can become and how “I is Us”.


Divine Feminine, Sacred Masculine and Sophia Wisdom


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